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Association Française pour le Rayonnement du Théâtre du Château de Drottningholm

Les Artistes français et le Théâtre du Château de Drottningholm Gallodier Desprez Monvel Papillon de la Ferté Creutz Dezède Philidor
Creutz study grant 10/2006

Catalogue "Les Artistes français au Théâtre du Château de Drottningholm"

Theatre Life in Stockholm 1755-1805

Mattias Åkesson

Mattias Åkesson presents here his choice of 7 books printed during the period 1755-1805 which are of special interest for the relationships between France and Sweden around theatre and opera. The selection is based on printed material of the Royal Library in Stockholm.


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Discover Mattias Åkesson's catalogue upon Theatre Life in Stockholm 1755 - 1805

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Theatre Life in StockholmPage suivante
